Урок 18. Контрольная работа.

Контрольная работа

I. Переведите:

Harriet had to run away from the slave-owner. She was able to lead nineteen parties of slaves across the line. She was to cross the Mason and Dixon line at night. Her former owner was unable to see her. You will be able to read the story of this courageous leader. We ought to know more about her.

II. Перепишите следующие предложения, заменив модальные глаголы соответствующими модальными оборотами в будущем времени. Не забудьте поставить частицу to, где это необходимо:

They must invite our friend. You must save him. She must follow our

example. The boy must take this job. You can read this story. We can walk all the way. You can earn enough money. They could follow you. They could get enough food. They could easily return. She cannot tell us.

III. Первые четыре предложения упр. II напишите в прошедшем времени.

IV. Переведите на русский язык:

As long as I understand you it does not matter that your English is not perfect. I shall come as soon as I can. They had to walk as far as the bridge. Harriet crossed the Mason and Dixon line as many as 19 times. As the best conductor on the secret Underground Railroad, she did much to help her people win free-dom. As an escaped slave, she was in great danger. He was very busy all day, as well as half the evening.

V. Переведите английские слова:

beat, love, bend, walk, cruel, already, gold, shine, win, follow, money, road, die, food, article, danger, exist, return, star, until, former, name, brother, story, job, decide, earn, sister, railroad, glory, safe, lose, slave, lead, leader, save, won-derful

VI. Назовите английские слова, имеющие значение:

опасность, сгибать, зарабатывать, брат, сестра, существовать, бить, пища, терять, уже, статья, звезда, золото, имя, умереть, решать, вести, следовать, деньги, возвращаться, спасать, рассказ

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В уроке 10 повторите степени сравнения, а в уроке 15 - раздел о придаточных предложениях. В уроках 5, 14 и 15 перечитайте раздел об инфинитиве. Просмотрите тексты предыдущих уроков и перечитайте те, которые вы забыли.

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