Урок 12. Доп. материал.

Дополнительный материал для устной речи


How old are you? Сколько вам лет?
I am twenty-one. Мне 21 год.
How old is your wife (husband)? Сколько лет вашей жене (мужу)?
We are the same age. Мы одного возраста.
When were you born? Когда вы родились?
I was born in 1965 (nineteen sixty-five). Я родился в 1965 г.
What is your job [ʤɔb]? Какую должность вы занимаете?
Where do you work? Где вы работаете?
I am a worker ['wə:kə] Я - рабочий
a peasant ['peznt] крестьянин
a collective farmer [kə'lektiv 'fa:mə] колхозник
an engineer [,enʤi'niə] инженер
a scientist ['saiəntist] научный работник
a teacher ['ti:ʧə] учитель
a docker ['dɔkə] докера
mechanic [mi'kænik] механик (техник, слесарь)
a writer ['raitə] писатель
a journalist ['ʤə:nəlist] журналист
a student at Moscow University [,ju:ni'və:siti] студент (студентка) Московского университета
an actor, actress ['æktə, æktris] актер, актриса
a clerk [kla:k] конторский служащий
a lawyer ['lɔ:jə] юрист
a typist ['taipist] машинистка
a housewife ['houswaif] домашняя хозяйка
a miner ['mainə] горняк
a builder ['bildə] строитель
an artist ['a:tist] живописец, художник



He Saved His Life

The French king Louis XI had an Italian astrologer (астролог) whose name was Martius Galeotti. One day the king asked him:

"You say that the stars (звезды) tell you everything, and that you know the hour own death? Do you know when you will die?"

"What shall I answer him?" thought the astrologer. "It I say that I shall live long, the king will kill me just to prove (1) that the stars do not say the truth (правду).

Then he remembered that the king was himself afraid of death and he used this fact.

"Yes, I can determine the hour of my death, bur it is necessary to connect it with another man's death," he said.

"I do not understand your answer, Martius. What do you mean?"

"Know then, oh king," said Martius, that my death will take place (2) exact-ly twenty-four hours before yours".

Since that time the king never discussed that question again.


Ask no questions and you will hear no lies (ложь).

He that (3) is roll of himself is very empty (пустой).


(1) will kill me just to prove - убьет меня, лишь бы доказать

(2) take place - произойти, иметь место

(3) Не that ... - Тот, кто..

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