Урок 14. Доп. материал.

Дополнительный материал для устной речи.


What time is it? Который час?
What's the time?
Nine o'clock. 9 часов.
Nine in the morning. 9 утра.
Ten in the evening. 10 вечера.
Ten minutes past mine. 9.10.
Ten minutes to nine. 8.50 (без десяти девять).
Ten past nine. 9.10.
Ten to nine. 8.50.
Ten fifteen. 10.15.
I'll do it today Я сделаю это сегодня.
tomorrow завтра
the day after tomorrow послезавтра
next week (month, year) на следующей неделе (в будущем месяце, году)
in five minutes через пять минут
in twenty-four hours за сутки
in a second в одну секунду
in half a minute. через полминуты.
I did it last month (week, year) Я сделал это в прошлом месяце (на той неделе, в прошлом году)
yesterday вчераthe
day before yesterday позавчера
three days ago. 3 дня тому назад.

Заметьте предлоги past в указаниях времени после данного часа и to в указаниях времени до данного часа: ten past two 2.10 ten и to two без десяти два (1.50). Время до полудня обозначается на письме буквами a.m., а в речи словами in the morning; время после полудня - буквами p.m, а в речи словами in the afternoon или in the evening.


Little drops of water, little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land. Thus the little minutes, humble though they be* Make the mighty ocean of eternity.**

Frances S. Osgood (1811-1850)

* humble though they be - как они не скромны

** eternity - вечность



Recent explorations of Lake Baikal show that world's deepest lake is even deeper than it was thought. Its greatest depth until recently was 5,712 feet, but new exploration found a cleft (расселина) which is at least 6,365 feet deep.

The cleft, which was named by the scientists "the Oklahon cleft", has a length of over 30 miles. Its width is less than half a mile, in some places narrowing (сужаясь) to only a few dozen yards.


The town of Zelenchuk in the Caucasus installed (установил) street lamps which send all the light down. They show no light at all when they are seen from above (сверху).

This has nothing to do (не имеет отношения) with the street-lighting in Zeienckuk itself. They are installed because the present lights interfere (мешают) with the operation of a telescope in a Caucasian astronomical observatory.

And the telescope is 25 miles away!

This fact shows the sensitivity (чувствительность) of modem instruments. The telescope is a giant (гигант). It is almost 100 feet long with a 237-inch mirror (зеркало).

Even though it is electronically operated, great precision (точность) is necessary. A one degree variation (отклонение в один градус) in temperature is enough to show a star under observation out of focus (не в фокусе).

Stars of the 24th magnitude (величина) - millions of times weaker than anything the naked (букв. голый; зд. невооруженный) eye can see - can be observed be this telescope.


What is done cannot be undone. Сделанного не воротишь. (букв. Что сделано, того не переделаешь).

What cannot be cured must be endured. Приходится мириться с тем, что нельзя исправить, (букв. То, что нельзя вылечить, следует вытерпеть).

As you make your bed, so you must lie on it. Как постелишь, так и поспишь. (Ср. Что посеешь, то и пожнешь).


Science is the systematic classification of experience.
George Henry Lewes (England, 1817-1878)

Science is organized knowledge.
Herbert Spencer (England, 1820-1903)

Age and youth look upon life from the opposite end of a telescope; it is ex-ceedingly (чрезвычайно) long; it is exceedingly short.
Henry Ward Beecher (USA, 1813-1887)

We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe (Germany, 1749-1832)


Sun and Moon

One day, two small boys discussed the sun and the moon. Which was more useful to man? At last one of them said, "Oh, I know. The moon is more useful than the sun because it shines at night when it is needed; but the sun shines in the daytime when nobody wants it, because there is enough light without it".

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