Урок 18. Упражнения.


1. В данных ниже словах вам известны как их основы, так и суффиксы с приставками. Назовите значения как исходных, так и производных слов:

power, powerful, powerless; name, nameless; star, starry, starless; conquer, conqueror, unconquerable; mistake, unmistakable; help, helpless, helpful; win, winner; bottom, bottomless; air, airless; follow, follower; blood, bloody, bloodless; child, childless; class, classless; friend, friendly, unfriendly, friendless; fruit, fruitful, fruitless; noise, noisy, noiseless; sleep, sleepy, sleepless; land, landless; life, lifeless; gas, gaseous; wind, windy, windless; sun, sunny, sunless; tooth, toothless; smoke, smoker, non-smoker, smokeless; job, jobless; faith, unfaithful; law, unlawful; method, unmethodical; possible, impossible; translate, translator

2. Повторите раздел о сложных словах в уроке 5 и расшифруйте сочетания:

slave-owner, crossroad, book-lover, story-teller, lamplight, starlight, roadsi-de, money-bag, money-box, safety-lamp, gold-field, goldfish, starfish, a heaven-ly body, name-day, sunshine

3. Перепишите предложения, поставив вместо точек одно из слов, данных ниже по алфавиту:

already, bend, job, lead, money, name, saved, rain, until, walk

I cannot buy this book, I have not enough ... . What is the ... of this gas? Shall we... or go by car? My brother's life was in danger; but the doctors... him. Tomorrow it will ... again. They ... a busy life. Can you ... mis piece of iron? My sister likes her...; she is a teacher. He was working ... his father told him to stop. The picture has... been bought.

4. Распределите на 7 пар синонимов:

go, return, exist, love, road, be, job, railroad, go back, way, work, like, railway, walk

5. Распределите на 10 пар антонимов:

cruel, safe, die, follow, freedom, cold, find, best, kind, lead, dangerous, white, rapidly, live, lose. Worst, slavery, hot, black, slowly

6. Из текста урока выпишите все предложения со словом as, проанализируйте значения as и переведите предложения.

7. В тексте урока найдите модальные глаголы и заменяющие их обо-роты. Переведите предложения, в которых они встречаются.

8. Напишите в настоящем времени:

They will be able to see this star by telescope. They had to remain there until the end of the month. We had to decide. I had to earn more money. My brother was to return the next day. He had to tell us his name. We shall have to walk, as there is no railroad. We shall be able to buy some food at the next station. Will 1 your sister be able to find the road?

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